Why We Ask Creative Prospects About Their Revenue

Are you asking potential clients about money?

Not the budget question.

I mean about how they’re making money?

No way that’s rude and intrusive.

I hear this a lot.

I always ask the person.

Does positioning your client’s business in the right way help it make money?

Does what you create for your customers create more brand awareness?

Does what you do help your clients sell more stuff?

Answers are always (and should always be) yes.

If we ask about money we are nailing two key things.

We are positioning ourselves as a consultant, number one.

Not a freelancer.

A consultant, who is bold enough to ask the big questions.

We are also creating comparison for the client.

It’s not just $5k down the hole on you with ?? return.

Or $5k in and you create beautiful brand that *may* help me make money.

This brand will make you money.

This brand story video will help you convert more website visitors into customers.

These beautiful product shots will help you sell more stuff (and charge more for your product).

If we ask good numbers questions we build a value equation that tells the client clearly how they are going to get an ROI on the work they do with us.

So they can make a sound emotional and logical decision.

Are are more likely to take the leap of faith and spend more with you.




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Kind Words: Serena Mayen, Modern Design


Meeting the client’s budget is a WIN/LOSE😭