Our EPIC Clients

Our EPIC Clients

Left her fulltime job, smashing it!

Jess - Jess Doodles

Doubled project fees, biggest client ever.

Georgia - Studio G Design

Kept it Simple - Created Simple Processes.

Johan - Tension Studio

Sold a $9k Brand Story Video

Chy Blackburn - Prevue

Biggest month ever - nailing her niche!

Tash Chignell - Bite Creative

Four Months Booked Out, Biggest Job Ever!

Kal - Ink and Elbow Grease

Signed largest client ever & has a clear plan.

Morag - Sea Star Design

Built out an Agency.

Shay Starrenburg - Idyllic

Selling his largest branding jobs.

Todd Beeby - Designer

Made her first hire, ditched upwork, and growing fast.

Jen Fortin - Silver Fern Creative

Doubled her project rates

Caroline - Caroline Herring Photography

Tripled their Brand Identity Fees

Jen and Hannah - White Light Studio

Tripled her investment in the first month.

Soraya - Soraya K Design

Built his client base in a brand new market

Richard - Furhoff Photography