An introduction.


I’ve been really rude, and I have to apologize.

(not for blowing off) for not introducing myself.

I’m saying hi because I believe social media is a place of connection, not soulless doom scrolling and regret.

So here goes - if you don't know me...

...I’m Hayden.

I’m a dad, artist, teacher, coach and mentor, an old dude.

I’m a big fan of Gordon Ramsay.

I’m a horror nerd, and my favorite movie is The Shining.

I’m a painter, illustrator, toy maker and designer (I feel like there’s some undiagnosed ADHD in there somewhere).

I’ll always pick Hugh Grant over Hugh Jackman.

I’m a new ager (that’s what they used to call us in the 80s when I was like 5) and I’m really into that ‘airy fairy’ stuff eg the real shit like meditation and that.

My favorite color is pink and I often get called out by alpha dudes for my pink crocs (cause I know deep inside they’re insecure and wish they have the nuts to wear pink crocs).

Sales trainer, associate and occasional barista for the past 12 years. Coaching and mentoring creatives at pitchr for the past 3.5.

My 9-5 is working with amazing phenomenal and epic designers and creatives from all over the world, and I love love love seeing them build their confidence and businesses.

I love my job, and I love the people I get to work with our community.

I’ve worked with amazing clients from all over from Costa Rica to Jersey to Arkansas to Dubbo (a bit like that Johnny Cash song) I’ve been everywhere man.

My perspective is an insider/outsider perspective, I’m not a seasoned designer who teaches the ‘designer way’ of doing things.

But I am also a creative, who knows that selling creativity has its own challenges and nuances.

I work with designers and photographers and the reason is because I know that for us, doing the work we love we often neglect the business side.

But I know, and I see this with my clients, as creatives we undervalue the work we do because we don’t understand the impact it can have on a client’s business and life.

The work we do as creatives is important, we are makers, not consumers.

We can’t be replaced by keyboard warriors smashing out prompts and likening themselves to the first generation of photoshop users (look them up on reddit in the midjourney forums).

PS So if you know me, have worked with me, leave a comment below with how we met.

Photos by SG Editorial.


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