Don’t Let Fear of Failure Determine Your Fate

Ever felt so shy that you can’t even get the words out?

I remember when I was younger being so shy and anxious that I thought the only way I could even talk to new people was when I was drunk.

I used to see confident people and ask myself, why are they so confident? I wish I could be like them.

I used to see people in bands I liked and feel nervous that I even had to chat to them at shows, they had accomplished so much and I, so little.

Confidence is a funny thing and when I talk to new clients who join my program, I tell them that it’s the most intangible and also the most tangible thing that people get from working with us.

When I interview graduates of our programs, they tell me the same thing “I feel so much more confident now, to charge great prices, to approach bigger clients and I know what I’m doing”.

It’s a weird one, because most of us think you’ve either ‘got it’ or you ‘don’t got it’.

You’ve got the gift of the gab as they used to say, you’re extroverted, so it’s easy for you.

You’re more outgoing so it’s easier to do video and put yourself out there.

Truth is for me I forced myself to do it even though the whole time I wondered what people thought of me, and how lame my videos were.

How no one was even listening.

I’m still trying to work out where confidence comes from but I’ve realized a couple of things.

It can be learned and developed - and to succeed in life it must be developed.

I also think it comes from a few things in particular -

Process - having a process that is proven to follow, that you believe in, something to back you up.

Planning - planning out your business, both in daily tactical activities and long term strategies, so you don’t start every day, every week going ‘where do I start’.
Community - having a community of people who are all working towards the same goal and support each other.

Repetition - putting in the reps at something you suck at until you get good.

Confidence can be built.

It’s just a decision you have to make, that what you have is not good enough anymore.

You don’t want a mundane life of fear and normality.

Most people let their lives happen to them, confidence means you make your life happen for you.


The day I beat anxiety in my business


An introduction.